K&S Advanced Finance module for Dynamics 365 Business Central is in Microsoft AppSource now. K&S Advanced Finance module proving Financial Journal Management & Financial Report for Taiwan user preferred.

Main functions of K&S Advanced Finance:
- Provide User-Friendly Interface (Document Format) for Financial Journals
- Create Journal Lines by importing from Excel
- Provide Advanced Form Permission Control for Financial Journals (New / Edit / Delete / Release / Reopen / Post)
- Allow user to change the Posting Group when entering Journal Line for Customer / Vendor Account
- Provide Financial Journals History to Keep Tracking in Document Format
- Provide Financial Report for Taiwan Accountant preferred
Meanwile, K&S also update “Traditional Chinese Language Pack for Taiwan”, “Government Uniform Invoice (GUI) for Taiwan”, and “K&S Purchase Requisition” for Business Central version 17 in Microsoft AppSource. K&S Inform will continually provide support for Taiwan customer.
Please contact K&S Inform for more information:https://www.ksinform.com/contact
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